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March 29, 2022 


Thank you!! We are humbled by the support for the MHJNA Minis on Main Street, Banners and More online sale last night!!! We could not have done it without all the donors that offered up great genetics and other wonderful items. We asked for your support and buyers you out did yourselves this year and those kids are going to love it. 100% of the proceeds from this sale will go to support the event in June.

Thank you to the following donors: Ivy Cattle Co., Genuine JBH, Beach House Designs, Texoma Vet Lab and Supply, H and R Ranch, Sire Connections, Rural Connections, Magic Eagle Ranch, TCM Livestock Therapies, Beratto Farms, 5A Miniature Hereford, 5A Custom Tags, Arrow M Cattle, MK Quarter Creations, Barber Ranch, KLD Mini Herefords, Shag Secrets, Mini Mafia and Trans Ova.



January 2022

Winner of the 2022 MHJN Theme Contest

Heather Williams, Cloverfield Farm

MHJN Minis on Main Street



May 7, 2021

Check out our ad in the Mini Mafia Spring 2021 Magazine and

make sure to Save the date for 2022 MHJN

Miniature Herefords Junior Nationals  


March 5, 2021 

We are humbled by the support for the MHJN Major League Mini Hereford Chillicothe, MO online sale March 4, 2021.   This is the single best online auction that we have had in the past 7 years to support our youth!! We could not have done it without all the donors that offered up great genetics and other wonderful items. We asked for your support and buyers you outdid yourselves this year and those kids are going to love it.  100% of the proceeds from this sale will go to support the event in June.



SC Online Benefit Sale Donors:

Donny Driskell                   KLD Mini Herefords      Barber Ranch 

Splitt Creek Ranch            JH Cattle                        LS Vance Farms 

J&N Minis                          Jeff Bash                        Lynch Family Farms

Onsot Mini Herefords      Sandy Hill Farms            Magic Eagle Ranch 

B&M Cattle Co.                 Travis Jinkens                TransOva

Mittag Designs                 Bridget Gorestka           Shag Secrets

H and R Ranch                 Paula Carter




January 25, 2021

Adding to the list of great MHJN themes we are excited to announce the theme for 2021 - Major League Minis!


June 22-27, 2020 - Red Dirt Revival

June 25-30,2019 - Keep Calm and Mini On

June 19-23, 2018 - Showing Minis Making Memories

June 20-25, 2017 - Showing in the Heartland

June 22-26,2016 - Buckles & Banners

June 20-25,2015 - It's a Big Deal


Congratulations to Jordyn Bertrem for her winning submission, she will receive 1 entry for the 2021 event and a hoodie.


We thank everyone who participated in the contest, there were several really good ideas. Start thinking for 2022!


Can't wait to see everyone in Chillicothe!

Major League Minis Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals will be held June 21-26, 2021 at the Litton Agri-Center in Chillicothe, Missouri. This is the 7th year the MHJN Team will be hosting Junior Nationals. Since June 2015, this event has always been the 3rd week in June.  In 2020 we had 175 exhibitors and over 350 head of cattle, in 2015 we had 70 exhibitors and 90 head of cattle. 





On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to thank you for attending the six annual Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals.


We had an AMAZING turn out and it would not have been possible without the support of our sponsors!! It was great to see everyone and we hope you had a great time!


Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals has grown from humble beginnings six years ago to over 175 exhibitors and over 350 head of cattle in 2020.  As the event grows, so does the responsibility of the committee to secure funding, coordinate logistics, and provide a safe environment for the exhibitors and their families. It is a labor of love - for the kids and the cattle.


The Miniature Hereford Junior National Board exists for one reason, to create the best possible experience for the families who participate in the annual Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals event. Since its inception six years ago, the committee has been made up exclusively of volunteers, compensated only by the joy of seeing the smiling faces of the kids who participate in the event we host. We actively raise funds throughout the year and those funds are used to make Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals an event that draws families to our breed and keeps them coming back year after year. 

As the event grows so does the commitment of making each year better than the last year. It is vital to grow the committee and we want to have more members join the team. Anyone over the age of twenty-two years of age and has attend at least one Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals event in the past are welcome to complete the application to join the team. If you want to join the board please find the application (here), submit applications to  Thank you for your support and considering joining the team.



Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals Team

May 1, 2020 News


MHJN will recognize all donors on the banners and other items purchased from the Breeder's World Sale.  If due to the Covid-19 we are not able to have the event in 2020 we will recognize all sponsorships at the 2021 event. 


Per Governor Kelly as of June 1 groups of 90 will be allowed and by June 15 all restrictions off. However, each phase has to go as planned, she will review starting Monday every 2 weeks.

We are moving forward as necessary to plan the event and encourage all of you to please help us by putting in your entries & meal count. We are not taking payments until we have the green light but the information is instrumental in planning. We will close entries May 15th.

We will share updates as they become available and please continue to monitor FB and our webpage for updates.

Thank you for understanding and keep safe and healthy.


April 30, 2020 News


The Miniature Hereford Junior National Association exists for one reason, to create the best possible experience for the families who participate in the annual Junior Nationals event. The committee is made up exclusively of volunteers, compensated only by the joy of seeing the smiling faces of the kids who participate in the event we host. We actively raise funds throughout the year and those funds are used to rent a venue, compensate judges, provide meals during the week of the event, purchase prizes and awards for participants, MHJN’s new website, and pay for whatever else is needed to make Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals an event that draws families to our breed and keeps them coming back year after year.

Our intention has always been to try to create a collaborative relationship with the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association and the Miniature Hereford Youth Foundation. We have required MHBA membership to participate in Junior Nationals, not because it helps with the event we host, but because we have believed it’s best for the breed by encouraging participation in more than just Junior Nationals. The funds we’ve raised have passed through the MHYF, not because it helps with the event we host, but because when we started Junior Nationals we didn’t have a legal entity for the event, so we didn’t have a bank account through which to handle the money. MHYF handled the money going in and out for a fee of 3%. As part of our fundraising efforts, our committee members have organized auctions, raffles, and other activities at MHBA sanctioned shows. In those situations, MHBA approved our fundraising efforts, so long as we shared 50% of whatever we raised with MHBA.

This committee still desires a collaborative relationship with MHBA and MHYF. However, we don’t believe a 3% “tax” on everything we raise or a 50% “tax” on funds raised at MHBA sanctioned shows is fair to our donors, to our committee members, or most importantly to the kids and families who participate in Junior Nationals. Additionally, running funds through another organization is inefficient, especially when there are often supplies or services that are purchased during Junior Nationals. Our committee members have spent 1,000’s of their own dollars to purchase supplies for Junior Nationals, then waited months for reimbursement. Plus, neither MHBA nor MHYF has carried insurance that is sufficient for covering Junior Nationals.

Simply, we believe this can all be done much better and more efficiently. That is why we began the process to form a 501(c)3 organization. This gives us a legal entity, which allows us to open a bank account. It allows us to secure sufficient insurance. We are committed to disclosing every penny earned and spent and non-profit status validates that commitment by making our financials a matter of public record. We didn’t form a 501(c)3 to fracture the relationship with other organizations. We did this as a last resort because the risks to Junior Nationals and the tax on the funds we earned for the benefit of the kids and families who participate became too great to accept any longer.

Our purpose is to create the best possible experience for the families who participate in Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals.  We look forward to seeing you at the show!!  


April 23, 2020 News


The Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals Association is being formed for the singular purpose to host the annual Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals event. This event has grown tremendously in its five years, bringing families from thirteen states together for a week filled with education, friendship, leadership, teamwork, and fair competition. We are honored to promote the Miniature Hereford breed and grateful to welcome new families from all over the country to our event each year.

What started as a simple idea to bring junior exhibitors of Miniature Herefords together for a cattle show has quickly become a major event with countless hours of planning by volunteers and a budget to match the top priority of creating the best possible experience for junior participants and their families.

We are excited to announce we have begun the process of registering the Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals Association to be a 501(c)3, non-profit organization. This is an essential step in serving the families who participate in Junior Nationals and to make the most efficient use of the contributions of our generous sponsors and donors. This will ensure 100% of donations go directly to covering the costs of the event, including everything from prizes and awards for contest participants to renting the facilities, and everything in between.

We are inspired by the growing interest in the Miniature Hereford breed and humbled by the commitment of our breeders, sponsors, and donors who make this event possible. We are equally committed to making their contributions worthwhile by putting on an event that draws more families together with each passing year.


This web site is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, or sponsored by MHBA Miniature Hereford Breeders Association, MHYF Miniature Hereford Youth Foundations, MHJN Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals, or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates.  No membership fees are required to attend the 2025 MHJNA Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals, Stillwater, OK

​ 12/17/2019, Published site 2/22/2020 - latest update 1/22/2025

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